Did you have a crazy busy holiday season that led into January? Me too. Don't feel bad, it happens to the best of us. Burnout is real and boy does it ever knock a person down. I'm here to tell you it's normal. So many people are getting back on the movement horse after a hiatus to the gym. Some even have taken a 6 month or more break.Whatever your reason, it's okay. I'm just really proud of you getting up and trying again. Be it anything health or fitness wise, could be nutrition, could be walking on your lunches at work, could be moving for 5 - 10 minutes a day. Whatever it is, it's something you're doing to better yourself that you weren't doing before.
So many people treat health and fitness as a fad diet or a quick fix. If done right, it's actually a life long skill and habit to maintain. Health and Beauty standards are about fad diets or "abs in 30 days", as a coach I am here to teach you life long skills that you can keep with you for a lifetime. Not just a month. As a coach I have challenges, those are to set someone up for success, not be the start and end of someones health and fitness journey.
If you need help in any regard know that I am here. And, I just wanted to take a moment and say, I'm really proud that you're here. You're trying, doing and succeeding.
I will talk to you soon